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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Communist Under Every Bed

This article is one of the many reasons that I view the IWPR as an agent of destabilization. Macedonian needs a "truth and reconciliation commission" along the lines of what happened in South Africa. This will bring people together. We don't need a which hunt with people accusing each other for political gain. This will tear them apart.That, I fear, is the objective of the IWPR!

Wikipedia - Lustration is historically the term for various ancient Greeks and Roman purification rituals.

In the period after the fall of the various European Communist states in 1989–1991, the term came to refer to the policy of limiting participation of former communists, and especially informants of the communist secret police, in the successor governments or even in civil service positions.

New Lustration Process Won't Cure Macedonia's Ills:
In Weeding out low-level informers to the old secret services and not their bosses is neither just nor useful.

By Iso Rusi in Skopje (Balkan Insight, Jan 26 07)

This week Macedonia is making an attempt to weed out former security service informers from public life with a draft law imposing new conditions on those applying for office.

Deputies say the old secret police structures have had a devastating effect on the country's recent life, contributing to the many failures of the transition process, including increased poverty, criminal privatisation processes and stunted political pluralism.

While deputies blame these problems on the remaining elements of the former communist system - low level 'snitches' - there is no word about the responsibility of those who ideologically mobilised and organised them and used their data for investigations, beatings, psychological maltreatment.

These people are all missing from this proposal law, which means in effect that they will be amnestied. It gives rise to suspicions that real lustration in Macedonia will in fact be impossible, as it would be carried out by the same people who ought to be its object.

There is a risk that other categories will never be fully uncovered, because"

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