Greece and The Macedonian Question Today
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Greece and the Macedonian Question Yesterday
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How To Find News on Macedonia.
See this article on Macedonian news sites.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dimitar Vlahov, David Ben-Gurion and the Jews of the Ottoman Empire

I read in "A long row of candles; memoirs and diaries, 1934-1954", the journalistic memoirs of C. L. Sulzberger, that David Ben Gurion, the first president of Israel wanted to invite Israel Dimitar Vlahov, formerly leader of the leftist United VMRO and at the time, a Vice President of Tito's Yugoslavia .

Apparently Vlahov, as a deputy in the Parliament of the Young Turks, often spoke out in defense of the rights of the Jews, when Jewish members of Parliament were "too cowed to speak" (Sulzberger's words). Vlahov and Gjorche Petrov had meetings with Theodor Hertzl (and I assume Ben-Gurion) to discuss cooporation between Macedonians and Jews. I do not know if Dimitar ever visited Israel, but apparently, his son Gustav Vlahov wrote a book called "How I Saw Israel ". (How he got the name "Gustav", I don't know).

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